Sunday, 13 April 2014

On the way to Huntsville

Just arrived in Dallas, quick ride on the skylink and we are just waiting to board the flight to Huntsville. Time enough for the students to raid the 7/11 (Dairy) for more food. 


  1. Morning guys, well at least it is here. Thank you for all the updates, I feel like I am stalking you online. Let the fun begin at Space Camp.

  2. Hi all, sounds like your trip has gone to plan, well so far and hopefully a good sleep has you all ready for your Space Camp experience. Your arrival at Huntsville means a long awaited reunion for Sam and our German home stay student of 2012, Luca. Welcome to the team Luca. ENJOY everyone. And I second Cassandra's stalking comments but enjoying the updates thanks.

  3. Yes, sounds like all is going very smoothly, well done.
    I remember a lot of fun on the inter-terminal monorail at Dallas!
