Monday, 14 April 2014

First Offical Space Camp Day

Hi everyone

We are now officially up and running at Space Camp. The students have just finished their orientation which involved meeting their team leaders and the other members of their teams.

We have student split across two teams - Holderer and Von Tiesenhausen. The teams are named after important Scientists in the American Space program from the 1950's onwards.

For the next 6 days until 1pm on Friday the students will be working in these teams to complete the course in the Advanced Space Academy. They are all very excited and settling in well. Most of the jet lag seems to be done with now and the teachers are certainly feeling a little more relaxed.

Please make sure you keep an eye on this home page where most of my posts go daily but also on the pages that you can access at the top of the blog. Most of the photos and descriptions of events will go under the catagories at the top. For the rest of our time at Space Camp this is where you will find the photos and videos.

We are all having a wonderful time and its a lovely 28 degrees and sunny here. Lastly a wonderful message on the door into the habitat facility. This sums up one of the reasons David Paterson started this trip to help inspire our Science students towards their full potential.

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